Monday 13 May 2013

SOS : Traveling With A Toddler, Grandparents Required

We are back in Paris, this time, a better location. And backup. Aka THE GRANDPARENTS.
Yes, you heard me.

Together we have rented an enormous apartment in the 6th arr.
This time we are ready to handle this city. Bring it. I have a Grandpapa and Grandmaman.

I realize that for some people renting an apartment with your inlaws is basically hell. I am not one of those  people, because my inlaws are FANTASTIC (yes, they read this blog). But it's true, I basically won the inlaw lottery. I tell my husband I married him for his parents. Some people marry for money, or looks, but those people are fools. You have to go for the inlaws, they will make your life a dream.

A dream you say? Here is the lowdown.

They will love your child, fiercly, to the point you may have to pry him out of their arms.
After nearly a month on the road without childcare, they will take over so you may soak in the bathtub, go on a shoe shopping expedition in Paris and date night with The Wonderful Husband. They will save your butt, your sanity, they will always have your back, without judgement, and always with plenty of love. Not to mention: good food. The Adorable Son thinks they are pretty darn fantastic too. So I don't even think about feeling guilty while I am sipping my wine and enjoying the view of the Eiffel Tower. Not. One. Second.

europe toddler travel


  1. Jackpot! They're pretty cool to chill with as well. Say hi to Charles and Lorraine for me.

  2. Charles Mackay15 May 2013 at 13:21

    Easy to be a good father-in-law when your daughter-in-law is so wonderful. I consider her a gift of life to us!
