Sunday, 21 April 2013

Getting Around Town in Paris

Lesson of the day: Getting around Paris with a toddler is not easy, but always leads to good food.

My favorite way to get around Paris is by foot.  That is, when we are in a central neighbourhood.
This trip we are living in the 19th arrondissement, which is not central, and we really need to take the bus or metro to get around.  Consequently, we keep making plans to go to attractions that our son would like and by the time we get there he is fast asleep.


Yesterday we attempted to get to the carousel near les Halles, and today in Montmartre. Both times he was snoring by the time we arrived. That's what happens with an hour-long commute.

Argh x 2 = frustrated grumpy Mama.
We tried the metro and found it a little bit of a pain.  These are old tunnels.  They often do not  connect on direct, even levels.  This means that, even after you've managed to get your stroller down the stairs with the help of your Wonderful Husband and the hindrance of at least one rude person with a big suitcase, once underground you may need to take more stairs, both up and down.  No elevators.

Argh x 3 = annoyed Wonderful Husband with an achy back.

The bus is easier.  No stairs, and there is a space reserved at the back for strollers. They can be very full though, and a bit squishy. I recommend getting on through the back, locking your stroller in place and going to the front to pay after. This seems to be the way its done.

Downside: the bus can be crowded. Did I mention it was crowded? It was crowded. The bus driver made a sudden stop and there was a colourful variety of French expletives. Lets write that off as a cultural experience.

Argh x 4 = new French words learned (hopefully not by my son).

My son was feeling overwhelmed today on our way to the carousel in Montmarte, and was freaking out to get off the crowded bus. So we did. He was happier, but it was cold (see other post about getting a hat) and the walk was still 45 minutes from the time we abandoned the bus ride. By the time we arrived, he was out and his little hands were chilly.

Now, yesterday we'd decided to use his nap to have a fantastic dinner at a cafe, but today, we just headed home and collapsed from exhaustion. Said exhaustion, of course, couldn't prevent a stop on our way back home at a fabulous bio pastry shop.

Final sum = wine and pastries make everything better.

Better luck tomorrow.

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