Tuesday 30 April 2013

Grey: The color of French dirt...and now, your entire family.

I packed plenty of black and navy blue. I should have packed grey.

Everywhere in Paris and the south of France we find all these beautiful public spaces filled with creamy grey stones. That combined with constantly picking up The Adorable Son, means we are usually covered in creamy grey dirt.

So, in retaliation, I bought some grey pants to match the filth I am so often parading.
I am a genius.
It's like camouflage.

The French have neutrals down to an art. You can purchase a huge variety of beautiful neutral tones in greys, beiges, browns and blues. No patterns, other than on a scarf. Maybe it's due to their tiny closets, they need limited wardrobes, and nothing is easier to put together than neutrals. They don't really do matchy-match, its more about the textures, silhouette and general tone.

I basically lost my mind at Monoprix and bought the Adorable Son a wardrobe of greys and blues. He wore this outfit today, and I had several French ladies come over and give me compliments on him.

Bonus: Those boots are an easy tracking device.